Frequently Asked Questions
Our lashes are made of a few different materials, including Synthetic, Silk and Mink. The desired look and the condition of your lashes help us decide which to use. Each material offers a different curl and thickness which varies the look and feel of your lashes.
Silk lashes tend to be very popular because they are the darkest, richest black shade available. They also provide the fullest overall look, similar to a deep mascara.
Mink lashes are preferred by women who are wanting a really natural lash look and a softer black shade.
Your lashes do not need to be a certain length, although you need to have a lash to apply to since the extension is applied to the lash. If your lash is shorter, thinner or damaged, it will determine how long and thick we'll apply the lashes.
Applying a full set of lashes takes about two and a half hours and can be maintained year-round with touch-ups, recommended every three to four weeks. A half set of lashes is a less expensive alternative to achieve a similarly dramatic effect, applied as filler to thicken natural lashes or applied outward from the eye for a specialized look.
Lash extensions last typically six to eight weeks and then grow out following the natural eyelash cycle. For some people, eyelashes go through the full-growth cycle faster, so we recommend light lash maintenance every three to four weeks to maintain a full look.
Since each lash extension is attached to a single eyelash, they will fall out naturally along with the natural growth cycle of each lash. We recommend a touch-up every three to four weeks. When an inexperienced person applies lashes, they often apply one synthetic lash to three to four natural lashes, causing clumps or the lash to break and fall out. In addition, your lashes might fall out if you pick at them or try to pull them out yourself, which is a big no-no. But if you avoid those two problems, your lashes should stay intact.
The biggest myth is that lash extensions ruin your own lashes. They do not. If applied correctly and properly, they are safe and do not ruin the health of your natural lashes. Be sure not to rub your eyes or tug or pull on the extensions because this can cause lash loss and even damage to your natural lashes. If lashes are applied properly and to each individual lash, they won’t fall out.
Keep water away from your lashes for the first 12 to 24 hours after application or touch-ups. Water can weaken the adhesive before it sets and cause lashes to fall off. The after-care varies depending on the glue used. Glue for sensitive eyes, oil-based products or makeup removers around the eyes are not recommended. Using water-proof mascara on the extensions is not recommended for any type of glue, since it is hard to remove and can actually pull off the lashes prematurely when trying to take them off.
With Classic lashes, one lash extension is applied to one natural eye for a 1:1 ratio. Classic lash extensions are typically less dark than volume lash extensions. Volume lash extensions are when two or more lash extensions are applied to one of your natural lashes. This is called 2D, 3D 4D, 5D, or 6D lashes. Volume lash extensions are also typically darker in colour.
Eyelashes, just like the rest of the hair on our bodies, grow in 3 phases:
Anagen Phase– Also known as the Growth Phase. During this phase, your lashes are actively growing. This tends to last around 30 to 45 days until the lash reaches its optimum length. Only about 40% of the upper lashes and 15% of the lower lashes are in this phase at any given time.
Catagen Phase– Also known as the Transition Phase. During this phase, the lash stops growing and the hair follicle starts to shrink, lasting roughly 2-3 weeks. At this time, if an eyelash falls out, the catagen phase must finish before a new lash is able to grow back.
Telogen Phase– Also known as the Resting Phase. During this phase, your lashes kind of just hang out until they fall out and a new lash grows in its place. This can last up to 3 months. Since each lash follicle is in its own lash cycle, it's common to see a couple of lashes fall out within any given day. This is completely natural so don’t be alarmed. It may take up to 4 to 8 weeks to fully replace an eyelash